The base any good muscle rub is Peppermint & Wintergreen which are approved by the FDA to make the pain-relief-claim. You’ll find lower quality or synthetic versions of both oils in Ben Gay, Icy Hot, Salonpas, etc. Why? Because they work.
But using the fake or cheap oils decreases their effectiveness AND increases their side effects.
WINTERGREEN is a “counterirritant”. It works by causing mild irritation at the site which increases blood flow and confuses the nerves so they can’t send a full pain signal. That new blood flow brings in oxygen and nutrients to repair and rebuild, while flushing out the lactic acids that cause soreness. The result is reduced pain in the underlying tissue and muscles. Not only are pure oils more effective but one study found that “Many Over The Counter wintergreen products with inferior quality or adulterated wintergreen-like oils have side effects (skin irritation). BUT zero safety issues were reported with high quality Wintergreen.”
The active ingredient in wintergreen oil is methyl salicylate – closely related to acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin. Over time, eating aspirin can lead to ulcers. Topical Wintergreen essential oil is almost like taking a syringe and injecting aspirin right where you need it. (please do not inject anything)
The COMBO with PEPPERMINT oil is commonly used because gives far better pain relief than either wintergreen oil or peppermint oil alone. So you can use lower doses of each with fewer side effects and still get the painkilling, muscle relaxing, cooling properties while stimulating circulation.
An under appreciated oil in muscle rubs is CLOVE. It’s a potent natural anti-inflammatory agent that also stimulates blood circulation. Clove is practically pure Eugenol (90%). Instead of side effects, Eugenol has wonderful health benefits but as a muscle rub, it blocks pain three ways…
1) Topically, eugenol depresses sensory receptors involved in pain perception by inhibiting prostaglandin biosynthesis. Which is the exact same thing that harsh pills like Aspirin and Ibuprofen do. Make less pain signals = feel less pain.
2) Acts like an Opiate but without the “high” and life destroying-addiction. Researchers proved eugenol activates opiate receptors when they gave the subjects Narcan (an opiate blocker) before applying Clove. The pain reducing effect was weakened/blocked.
3) Anesthetic. Clove has a numbing effect. Topical application 5 minutes prior to a needle insertion reduces needle-stick pain. The effect is comparable to the strongest dose benzocaine 20% gel, which is used in some throat lozenges and Oragel for gum pain. This explains its long history of topical use for toothaches.
Lastly, you’ll want some HELICHRYSUM. Helichrysum has long been used for nerve pain and, while the science hasn’t caught up with it yet, there are enough personal testimonies to make me a believer.
More Science on why this works.
Clove – SCIATICA – blocks the nerve’s transmission of pain impulses – two studies showed this in bullfrogs and rats – Why rats and frogs? because people don’t want sharp copper probes wrapped around their sciatic nerve.
Peppermint – found effective for MIGRAINES when applied topically at migraine onset and again 30 min later.
– TENSION HEADACHES – The oil was spread largely across the forehead and temples repeated at 15 and 30 minutes = as effective as 1000mg of acetaminophen (which is harmful to your liver) .
– Postherpetic neuralgia – its effectiveness after a shingles outbreak or healing fever blisters, indicates that it has effects on nerve pain.